Midweek Links: Literary Links from Around the Web (June 17th)

Looking for some interesting reading to get you through hump day? Here are some literary links from around the web to check out:

writing inspiration

At Flavorwire, writers share photos of the places that inspire them

A college refuses to “eradicate” graphic novels by Nail Gaiman and Alison Bechdel from campus

James Wood thinks Alejandro Zambra is the next big Latin American literary sensation

The romantic (and true!) story behind Bloomsday

People are mad at a Japanese library that played book dominoes

A Scottish author wins a prize for a book that was rejected 44 times!

Writers: do you know the joy of tossing away your entire manuscript?

Teaching Toni Morrison with Kendrick Lamar

Lastly, Joshua Cohen talks about writers who put themselves in their novels

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