After Harper Lee’s Watchman, Publishers Announce Flurry of Discovered Sequels

Harper Lee’s recently discovered sequel to To Kill a Mockingbird was published today, and it is already so successful that her Lawyer announced there might be a third “discovered” manuscript. Other publishers are jumping in on the sequel craze. Here are some discovered sequels to literary classics coming out this year:

Lunch at Tiffany’s by Truman Capote

The Cul-De-Sac by Cormac McCarthy

The Raisins of Wrath by John Steinbeck

Back with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell

Moby-Dick 2: The College Years by Herman Melville

The Great Gatsby 2: Dead and Loving It by F. Scott Fitzgerald

Mrs Dalloway 2: Space Dalloway by Virginia Woolf

Fatherless Bronx by Jonathan Lethem

Midnight’s Tweens by Salman Rushdie

A Remix of Ice and Fire by George R. R. Martin

Okay, Let Me Go Already! by Kazuo Ishiguro

2667 by Roberto Bolano

2 Pride 2 Prejudice by Jane Austen

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