Midweek Links: Literary Links from Around the Web (September 17th)

Looking for some interesting reading to get you through the week? Here are some literary links from around the web to check out:

We need diverse books, and also diverse worlds in books

All your smart friends are talking about Valeria Luiselli (read our reviews and interview with Luiselli here)

The Man Booker shortlist offers up six diverse books from around the globe

More and more US authors are earning sub-poverty level wages

Interesting article on who gets to decide what counts as “immigrant fiction”

Does epic fantasy have to always be about the end of the world, or can it tell a small story?

Some cool graphic novels to check out this fall

Bill Clegg, an agent turned author: “I really understand the loneliness, excitement and vulnerability it takes to create a book now”

Some famous authors you may not have known wrote screenplays

A look at how “harrowing personal essays” took over the internet

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