H.P. Lovecraft Beer to Drive Craft Beer Fans to Utter Madness

From the horrifying, cyclopean stills of the the Narragansett Brewery, in the thrice-damned Stygian state of Rhode Island, comes an eldritch brew sure to shatter the minds of mere craft beer mortals: the Lovecraft Honey Ale. The beer is made in loathsome conjunction with the non-Euclidean Revival Brewing and is a maddening 7% alcohol by volume.

Horror legend Lovecraft lived most of his life in providence, and Narragansett President Mark Hellendrung explained the choice to Boston:

“This one is really a prologue about H.P. Lovecraft himself,” says Hellendrung. “We picked one of his stories, ‘The Festival,’ where there’s a space mead consumed by a winged creature. What’s great about craft beer is that it’s really breaking the style boundaries and guidelines. So, this is [brewmaster Sean Larkin’s] interpretation of a modern day honey mead through the medium of a beer.”

The Lovecraft Honey Ale is only the first of the Lovecraft-inspired beers. The second will take inspiration from Lovecraft’s novella The Shadow Over Innsmouth.

If you feel a little weird drinking a beer named after a famous teetotaler and pretty gross and racist human, well, we can’t blame you. For those who want to taste the unspeakable brew, it went on sale yesterday.

lovecraft beer

via instagram

(h/t Melville House)

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