Caitlin M. Andrews

Caitlin M. Andrews (she/they) is from Phoenix, Maryland, and holds an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of Miami. Her writing has placed in Short Édition, New Square, the Waterproof Anthology, The New Limestone Review, and elsewhere. Fireweed In the Veil, her novel-in-progress, is a braided queer historical adventure set during the Irish War for Independence. It was selected as a finalist for the Marianne Russo Award and a Fulbright Scholarship in research. Caitlin has received multiple fellowships from GrubStreet and the Chesapeake Writers’ Conference. When not writing, they facilitate literary events at Hugo House in Seattle, Washington. See them fangirling about hiking, LOTR and Twilight memes, and the Irish language on IG at edgarallenbro_.
